U18 Home: Bradford 8 - Solihull 3

1017281_10151897264855642_1190559630_nOn Saturday 14th December 2013, at Bradford Ice Arena the Bigdog U18 Bulldogs faced Solihull Barons. The away game at Solihull had been a tough challenge for the Bulldogs, but we got the win, so were again looking for the home win in our own barn. The first period started with strong attack from the Bulldogs, and the Barons were also doing their best to keep the puck, at just 2:16 a feisty Baron, Kennedy Wallace, well known for her obstructions received a 2 minute interference penalty. The penalties continued for the Barons and at 6:09 Jordan Bird was sent to sit for 2 minutes for holding. This was followed by Jay Fagan trying to get his own back and also received 2 minutes at 6:34 for boarding. In the same minute while both teams were 4 on 4, Adam Barnes took his opportunity and scored goal number 1 for the Bulldogs at 9:46 assisted by James Royds. At 13:12 Solihull were beginning to feel intimidated and Joseph Gilbert sat for 2 minutes for slashing. Again the Bulldogs had the advantage of 5 on 4 and Ryan Kemp found the back of the net at 13:24 assisted by Lewis Baldwin. The Barons back to full strength brought the two teams back to end to end hockey, but at 14:36 Jay again kept the penalty bench warm as he was there again for tripping. Back to full strength and the Bulldogs kept up the pressure and again at 18:33 Ryan again tipped the puck into the net assisted by Adam and James. Score now 3 0 to the Bulldogs. Nineteen seconds after the whistle blew it was Connor Parkins turn to score assisted by Adam and Josh Birtwistle at 18:52. At 19:36 a feisty Niks Veiss sat for 2 minutes after a roughing penalty. End of period score 4 0 to the Bulldogs. The second period started as the first one had finished with a score a short handed goal from the Bulldogs from Captain Connor Parkin at 20:30 at 20:58 Liam was then sat for 2 minutes for cross checking. But then at 21:25 Solihull assistant captain Cody-Leigh Tookey scored the first Solihull goal, unassisted. At 21:34 it was Adams turn to dodge the Solihull net minder and score another shorthanded goal to bring the score to 6 1. At 21:53 a boarding check from Adam Hands, and a roughing check for Joseph Gilbert, followed by 2 misconduct penalties towards the reff saw Gilbert exit the game. At 22:01 Ryan got his hattrick goal again short handed assisted by James. Six seconds later at 22:17 Adam scored his hattrick goal. This seemed to upset the two Solihull girls, Wallace and Tookey then decided to goad and intimidate an already riled Liam Kirtons hot headed patience, and a few chosen words from them saw him also receive a 2 x 10 minute roughing penalty at 33:58 for trying to fight the girls and Solihulls , Captain Lewis Tooth who also received two ten minutes and left the game for the dressing room. The girls seemed to cause it all but didn’t receive any penalty. This seemed to change the dynamics of the Bulldogs game, because at 38:41 again Tookey got another goal for Solihull – end of period score 8 – 2 to the Bulldogs. The period was ended at 38:58 allowing everyone to calm down. At the beginning of the third (40:54) Niks received a 2 minute penalty for unsportsman like behaviour and at 43:51 Baron Tookey sat a tripping penalty whilst Bulldog Josh B sat 2 minutes for holding. At 50:00 the Bulldogs changed their net minder and U16 Brad Cartwright had his debut for the U18’s. At 50:10 Baron Adam Hands received a 2 minutes for slashing, once back on the ice Hands took no time to get to the net and score a third goal for the Barons unassisted at 53:28. The remainder of the game was clean uneventfull (!!) hockey, Brad taking 11 shots , Andy taking 30 in the game. Final score was 8 – 3 to the Bulldogs, MOM went to Jay Fagan. Well played once again team!


U16 Away: Nottingham 6 - Bradford 3


U18: Sutton 3 - Bradford 5