U13 Away: Manchester 0 - Bradford 28

Bradford Bulldogs U13s played their first away game against Manchester intheir new identity as the Trafford Tornadoes on 03/10.  The Bulldogs openedthe scoring after just 13 seconds and went two up just over a minute laterin what was to prove a long afternoon for Trafford.  From the start,Bradford dominated their opponents and led 8-0 after the first period and17-0 after the second with the final score being 28-0.  The Bulldogscompletely overwhelmed the home side with some remarkable hockey skillsdemonstrated by all members of the team.  They also managed to keep a cleansheet with penalties, not receiving a single one throughout the entiregame.Trafford, to their credit, did not let the score deter them at any pointand continued to try hard right to the end.  They also kept theirdiscipline, unlike some other teams who have been on the receiving end ofsimilar scores against Bradford in the past and as a result took very fewpenalties in what was an exceptionally clean match.Bradford quite frankly played some awesome hockey and the passing, skilland determination shown by all the lines was  great to see.  Althoughdefeated, Trafford can be very proud in the way they handled themselves inwhat must have been a difficult game for the home side.  It's fair to sayboth teams were a credit to their respective clubs on the day.


U9 Home: Northern Teams


U18 Away: Manchester 3 - Bradford 3