Josh Richardson - an update

FIGHTING HARD: Josh Richardson remains in a critical condition in a Bangkok hospital, but is gradually showing signs of recovery.

FORMER Bradford Bulldogs player Josh Richardson is making slow progress in his recovery in Thailand where he remains in a critical condition after a horrific motorcycling accident.

The 24-year-old was holidaying in the country when he came off his moped in the early hours of the morning on February 3.

He has since undergone several operations after suffering multiple skull fractures and also had severe bleeding and severe swelling of the brain.

His dad Jim remains by his bedside in Bangkok Hospital where there are slow but steady signs of progress. 

On Saturday he had the ventilator removed and he was able to begin breathing on his own. A day later, he spoke for the first time, while he is now able to open and close his left eye which was severely swollen after he sustained a broken eye socket.

POPULAR FIGURE: Josh Richardson, pictured during his Bradford Bulldogs’ days

Back home in the UK, friends and family, as well as current and former team-mates, are continuing to raise money to help pay for his treatment, with the bill believed to have already run into excess of £80,000. 

To donate to the ‘Go Fund Me’ page for Josh Richardson go HERE

The family were told this week that his insurance company will not pay out to cover the cost of the treatment he has had while in hospital in Bangkok.

Over £18,500 has been raised by friends via a Go Fund Me page with more money being donated on a daily basis.

The Bulldogs are have already raised money through collections at their junior games and will do so again on Saturday when their senior NIHL North Two team take on Altrincham Aces at Bradford Ice Arena. The club will also donate all the gate receipts from the game to the Go Fund Me page.

Talks are ongoing for a challenge game to be staged by the Bulldogs and Richardson’s current club Deeside Dragons, although this is likely to take place at the end of the season.

His father Jim, said the family had been overwhelmed by the support shown by people in the UK and there now encouraging signs of an improvement in Josh’s condition on a regular basis.

HAPPIER TIMES: Josh, left, pictured with his dad Jim.

“When he spoke for the first time on Sunday, it was wonderful to hear,” said Mr Richardson. “Most of what he says doesn’t make much sense at the moment, but it’s a step in the right direction.

“His last CT scan showed that the swelling of his brain has reduced and the most of the bleeding has stopped and on Saturday it was good to see the ventilator removed and so he could begin breathing on his own.”

To donate to the ‘Go Fund Me’ page for Josh Richardson go HERE


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