Having your Dundee cake and eating it!!!

Dundee Spring Cup 2Bradford Bulldogs Under 12s ice hockey team has scored a hat trick by winning the Dundee Stars Spring Classic tournament.On the wings of winning the Nationals, the team travelled up to Dundee, at the weekend, to take on the top junior teams from across the British Isles; Dundee, Fife, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast.In a continuation of their winning streak, the mighty bulldogs beat all five teams over the course of the weekend, to face Dundee in the finals. Despite having only 11 players against 23 from Dundee, Bradford played a closely contested game to emerge winners with a final score of 4-1.In addition to their fantastic win, the Bulldogs players received commendations about their behaviour, attitude and professionalism from the Conference organisers, who said they were a credit to their club and the City of Bradford.Coach Kris Gibson said “The team has had an amazing season and, due to the hard work and determination of the players, has remained unbeaten. I am immensely proud of each and every one of them and their commitment to the sport. We are looking forward to the forthcoming season.”


Bradford Bulldogs show their teeth, again!


National Success!