Bulldogs' head coach Andy Brown moves on up to GB Under-18s

BULLDOGS' head coach Andy Brown says he is delighted to move up to the position of assistant coach for Great Britain Under-18s.
The 42-year-old is one of two appointments to the team, with Richard Hartmann also being named as an assistant to head coach Sean Easton.
Andy admitted he was saddened to move up from his role with the GB Under-16 team, while at the same time excited about the new challenges that now lie ahead of him in an environment he feels he will fit into well."I’m delighted to be asked to move up and assist with the Under-18s," he said. "I know Sean well and feel our coaching styles complimented each other well when we worked together in the England programme. 
"I’m obviously sad to leave the Under-16s as I feel we had a strong coaching unit, but I know the structure we put in place will hugely benefit the next crop of young players to come through." 
David Hand, chairman of the GB Programme Board, said: "We believe Sean, Richard and Andy will make a great coaching trio for the under-18s.
"Both Richard and Andy are already in the GB set-up and by moving them across to the Under-18s to work with Sean, we think we have a very strong trio of coaches.
"We have some fantastic talented youngsters and these three coaches are the right choice to take the programme forward."

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