Bulldogs annual charity game to support ‘Melanie’s Miles of Hope’ campaign

BRADFORD BULLDOGS are to stage their annual Charity Game Day - this time in aid of ‘Melanie’s Miles of Hope’. 

The charity has been set up by Melanie Hartley Toye, from Cleckheaton who has been diagnosed with an incurable and aggressive form of breast cancer. 

So far, through a number of fund-raising activities, including running the Leeds half-marathon in May this year, Mel and her family and friends have raised more than £26,000 for their cause, which aims to make a difference to the daily lives of people suffering with the terrible disease. 

Now the Bulldogs, having been contacted by former player and friend of the family, Chris Butler, want to throw our weight behind Mel and her brilliant efforts to have a positive impact on others like her. 

“I want to make an actual difference to local people,” said Mel, 41. “I want to help people buy a wig if they can’t afford one, I want to help a cancer patient go on holiday with their loved ones if they can’t afford it. I want to help them access some alternative therapies if they can’t afford it, or pay for an annual gym or swimming membership to get them active again. 

“There’s no charity that offers this kind of diverse and practical support so I decided to set one up myself! 

“I want to create a legacy, even if it’s a short-lived one, that helps some cancer patients that I’ve met along the way. 

“The cancer community is huge and I’ve met some inspiring and amazing people but some of whom are really struggling. 

“It would be great if maybe this legacy could develop into full charity status that would be a dream but for now, I just want to do everything I can to help others while making my daughter Isla Rose feel proud of her mummy and also teaching her what’s possible, even with a life-limiting illness.” 

Having first staged a Charity Game Day back in 2022 in aid of Breast Cancer Now, Bulldogs’ head coach Andy Brown said it would be great if as much could be done to get behind Mel’s campaign as possible in 2024. 

“When we were appraoched and asked if we’d consider making ‘Melanie’s Miles of Hope’ our chosen cause for the annual charity game, we had no hesitation in saying yes,” said Andy.

“We’ve shown previously how well these events can be held at our rink and we hope as many people get behind this charity game day as they have in previous years and we can raise as much money as possible for a fantastic cause.”

We will be announcing the two teams over the coming days and while we will be raising money on the day through ticket sales, raffles and other activities, you can get behind the hugely worthwhile cause now by heading to the Go Fund Me page HERE


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